LottieFiles for Vision Pro.

Spatial design | AR design | Research

my role

Product designer

Product designer

project timeline

2 months

2 months

project overview.

LottieFiles is a motion design platform committed to revolutionizing how motion is created and used, with the goal of incorporating motion into every screen and device worldwide. Recently, in response to Apple's launch of the Vision Pro, a new product for immersive 3D experiences, LottieFiles developed an app specifically for this device. This case study outlines our process of ideating, designing, and launching the LottieFiles app for Vision Pro.
Shortly after the launch, our iOS Head at LottieFiles developed support for the Lottie format on Vision Pro, completing the necessary API and support systems over several months.

problem statement.

The challenge is to effectively communicate within the industry that any of our clients, such as Duolingo or Disney, can now create apps for Vision OS with the capability to integrate dynamic and engaging motion graphics, thanks to Lottie's support. This development opens up new possibilities for enhancing app interactivity on the Vision OS platform.


Building LottieFiles app for Vision OS where user can explore keywords and can see the animation in their 3D virtual space not only that user will also be able to drag and drop the animations out of the app and put it in desired virtual space.

product video.

🫢 Cant disclose more due to signed NDA.

🫢 Cant disclose more due to signed NDA.

🫢 Cant disclose more due to signed NDA.

This project was completed for LottieFiles as part of my full-time role, and it is confidential. I can only provide a basic overview and project description publicly.

This project was completed for LottieFiles as part of my full-time role, and it is confidential. I can only provide a basic overview and project description publicly.

To know more about the detailed process and execution

To know more about the detailed process and execution

my role

Product designer

figma users

60k+ users

Community file